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Introducing Our CEA CAPA 留学博客gers for Fall 2023

by CEA CAPA内容创建者

Introducing CEA CAPA博客gers for Fall '23

We’re so excited to introduce and welcome our incredible team of CEA CAPA博客内容创造者 23年秋季! 

So, who are they and where are they studying or 在国外宝博体育?

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Christopher-Olusayo-Sayo-Adenji-blogger-profile-picSayo is a senior 新闻 major and Spanish and French minor at Hofstra University. Currently studying in 巴塞罗那 for the Fall semester, he’ll contribute to CEA CAPA’s blog during his time in the historic city. 从小, Sayo's been enamored by cultural exchange and is excited to hone his Spanish skills and develop a deeper understanding of the country’s culture. 教室外, you’ll likely find him playing soccer, 和朋友出去玩, 或者与当地人互动. Give his blogs a read and discover why so many students and tourists keep flocking to Spain





Maya (she/her) is a 沟通 major at the University of Colorado Boulder, who is studying abroad in Florence, 今年秋天的意大利. She’s extremely excited to experience Italian culture and push herself outside of her comfort zone as much as possible. She also hopes to travel to all sorts of Europeans destinations during her weekends to get the most out of her experience. She’s especially excited to make friends in her program and to expand her knowledge not only of the world, 而是她自己. Check out her blogs to learn more about her time in Italy



在车里的自拍Julia (她/她)是一个媒体人 & 沟通s major at the University of Pittsburgh, studying abroad in London this fall. She’s looking forward to experiencing a new city and getting to know locals. 课外活动, Julia’s excited to explore markets around the city, 尝试不同的菜肴, 只要有机会就拍照. Look for her blog posts to learn more about her time in England




a person smiling, wearing sunglasses on the water

Lily (she/her) is a Business and Marketing major at Chapman University. 她还辅修西班牙语, leading her to pursue a second semester abroad in Spain, this time in the bustling capital city of Madrid. On top of an 在国外宝博体育 and classes, Lily will be sharing her experiences as a blogger for the CEA CAPA博客 throughout this fall. She’s excited to gain intercultural professional experience, connect with international students at the local University, and embrace big city living by exploring the unexpected streets of Madrid. Be sure to read her posts to gain insight into immersion abroad! 



a person smiling against brick wall

Luke (he/him) is an Entrepreneurship major hailing from the University of Oklahoma, currently exploring the vibrant city of Sydney for a semester of studying and 在国外宝博体育. His fascination with entrepreneurship and global business led him to this adventure, where he seeks to deepen his knowledge while indulging in adrenaline-packed outdoor activities and connecting with people from diverse backgrounds. Follow Luke's journey to discover how he balances his academic pursuits with thrilling experiences and social connections in 澳大利亚 -又名澳大利亚! 


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